Writer: Lola Foy-Sutherland - Teaching Volunteer
Written on: 8th September 2024
Before coming to Vietnam and volunteering with C4C, I had no idea what to expect from the experience. I had never taught before, or even been to Asia before, so it was all a very new and exciting experience for me. So, when the opportunity arose to volunteer in a school in Thai Binh City, and gain a TEFL qualification, I jumped at the opportunity.
I said very emotional goodbyes to my family and friends, in theory leaving for 3 months,
but secretly suspecting it would be much longer before I decided to return home. Upon arriving in Vietnam, I was met with extremely friendly volunteers, and coordinators alike. I felt supported immediately. Communication was consistent, and any questions I had were answered. This very much helped to calm any anxieties and apprehensions about what lay ahead!
Learning to teach was challenging at first. Making the lessons fun and engaging, whilst providing a good standard of education is a hard balance to strike. But, as I practiced more-and-more, and progressed with my TEFL, I gradually became more comfortable and confident running classes. I soon adapted to teaching all ages of learners, and any class size. I never expected to have so much fun teaching! What made it all worth it for me was developing bonds with my classes. I admire every student I taught for their dedication, willingness to learn, and optimism. These bonds will remain in my heart forever.

Months after my volunteering experience with C4C, Vietnam still remains my home. I believe it is a beautiful, peaceful, and culturally rich country, filled with some of the kindest and most generous people I have ever met. Every day I spend in Vietnam is more exciting and I cannot wait to explore more of it in the future. I decided to keep teaching after the volunteering programme has finished. There are many attractive teaching opportunities here. I am learning so much about myself, about teaching, about living abroad, and Vietnamese culture and history. I absolutely love my job and I love living here, and I hope it can continue for a long time.

To any potential volunteer, GO FOR IT! What do you have to lose? It may feel scary at first, but there are so many wonderful things to learn and experience. If I had one piece of advice, I’d say embrace it all. Don’t fight it. Allow yourself to change, allow your mind to expand, allow your world to grow. Thank you C4C for this incredible experience you have facilitated for me and my peers.
